Frozen Non-Fat Yoga and other Religous Icons
So many of the problems I have with organized religion stem from the fact that there is no room for common ground. the complete unbending of personal interpretation that we have come to expect from the daily onslaught of extremists and religious nutbars*, but when it starts coming from mainstream, it's time for a reality check of biblical proportion. Last week, Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler spoke out against, of all things - yoga - saying that the stretching and meditative discipline derived from Eastern religions is not a Christian pathway to God. Really? We have circus barkers posing as pastors disrupting military funerals in the name of God and penny ante Hitlers** threatening to burn the Quran, and what the Southern Baptist Seminary objects to is yoga. "That's just not Christianity," Mohler told the AP. I have to ask, what is Christianity, Al? It couldn't possibly be the concept of living a Christ-like existence, could it? A concept, I (sa...