
Showing posts from January, 2012

Every sha-la-la-la. . .

The year is 1973 . . . wait, no it's not , it's 2012. It's been a long, long time since 1973, but Casey Kasem is on XM Radio THIS morning with America's Top 40 for the week of Jan. 27, 1973. What a nice coincidence, since just this week I heard that, at age fourteen, the teenage brain begins to process it's own taste in music. It's when we break away from what our parents listen to, and begin to form our own personal jukebox. That would explain why it's always 1973 in my head - and on my ipod. The music, that first forms a bond with you, stays with you forever. It was the peak of the singer-songwriter era, from John Denver's Rocky Mountains and James Taylor's begging not to be lonely, to Lobo telling her to have no expectations of friendship and the first moment Gilbert O'Sullivan met Claire; sigh! It was the year I bought Revolver , 1962-1966 (The Red Album), and 1967-1970 (The Blue Album) begining a life long love affair with The Bea...


I've been taking a lot of shots at the GOP-body's that "really, really, really" want to be President and having a grand time doing it (only half-way wishing there was still a talk show to be writing for), and I have to say that my choice is clear. After watching President Obama deliver his State of the Union Address and watching the Gab-Four "debate" each other over the past few weeks, it is obvious to me who has a clear vision for the future of this country. The following is paraphrased from The State of the Union (as a courtesy to any tea-partiers out there , as that is the way you for information disseminated) . . . "Let’s never forget: Millions of Americans who work hard and play by the rules every day deserve a Government and a financial system that do the same. It’s time to apply the same rules from top to bottom: No bailouts, no handouts, and no cop outs. An America built to last insists on responsibility from everybody. -- We need to end the no...


At a recent Democratic fundraiser, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton finally came clean as to why she didn't leave the former-President following the Monica Lewinski scandal.




I don't know what to do with this, so here it is, the latest morsel served up here in the kitchen for your (or my) entertainment. Not as bleak as it might seem upon the first reading. Enjoy! "Winter" by James Patrick Lockett Rain falling like snow. Clouds of smoke billow from distant chimneys, as an unseen chill holds me captive, my mind a prisoner of Winter. Driving me deeper within in search of an ember of Hope. . . . Hope eternal springs t'ward some distant season The calendar pages, I fear, will weigh heavy under grey skies, failing to blow by, one after the other, cartoonlike -- as do the seasons I now long for. Winter, looms over numbered pages like primative marks, scratched onto the wall of a lifer, never to see the blue of the sky again. Copyright 2011. JPL. All Right Reserved. Posted here with my permission.

Ron Paul is "Serious."

'Tis the season to be folly, the neuvo-post-yuletide creation that is the "Less-Than-Grand"-Old-Party's primary season; the time of (every fourth)year when the Republicans cart out their most offensive and least-likey Presidential wannbes and parade them passed us, in order to make their bland and viable choices look. . .well, Presidential. One of these choices - balancing on the fence between both descriptions - really, really wants to be President, "way disporportionately" than the others. That man is Ron Raul, who has gone as far as suggesting that he would consider a third party run, if he doesn't win the GOP nomination. With that in mind, as boost to his last shot at the White House, The Hyena Kitchen is pleased to unveil, Ron Raul's Any Party Will Do Campaign. (Editorial note: The obvious Ru Paul reference was omitted, out of respect to the drag queen community ad Rick Santorum's campaign.)