A s we age, we see clearer the things that influenced us in our youth. The genius that we were exposed to that we took for granted. Two such groups, seemingly unrelated, had a monumental impact on how I looked at words - as wordplay and as lyrics. The comedy sketch troupe, The Firesign Theater and the band, Little Fea t. Individually, both genius in their own right. Firesign - collectively, Proctor, Bergman, Ossman, and Austin - masters of double-entendre, the parody of meaning, and of delivery. O n the other hand, Lowell George - with his Brian Wilson-like quest to capture the ‘sound in his head’ - offered a mastery in alliteration and “cartoon consciousness” with his lyrics. “Lady in a turban in a cocaine tree” would fit right into any Firesign sketch, as every Little Feat song should be playing on the way to Future Fair. B oth battled with a short-sighted record label unsure of how to market them; and both were best when listened to ...