Greetings Poetry fans (delivered in my best Bill Scott voice), I submit today, for your poetic approval, not one, but two new poems that I have no other place for, other than here in the KITCHEN. . .

 "Under Brimming Stars"


 James Patrick Lockett

Under the brimming stars

faint distant scent of coffee and campfire

danced under my nose 

and i thought of you

distant laughter and the rattle of ice 

in an empty glass

filled my wonder 

as to how you were now keeping warm 

under the brimming stars. 


 "HIDE "


 James Patrick Lockett 

My eye is split, 

I saw it in a reflection on the train, 

between breaks that allowed the night to hug the window.

And it allows me to see the two of you; 

The you, you think you are,

and the you, you are meant to be. 

Not as others see you, 

not as you see yourself, 

and far from the shadow that clings to you 

that we all see and that hides from you in the night. 

The you that is yet to be, 

or the you that may never come forward,

hiding from all that fail to see you, 

whoever you chose to be. 

 As always, comments, good or bad are welcomed. . .

 Copyright 2013. James Patrick Lockett. All Rights Reserved. Used here by Permission.


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