O kay Apple Scruffs, here we are on the anniversary of The Beatles ’ impromptu final concert on the rooftop at 3 Saville Row - and now thanks to Pete Jackson and Disney - it is the hype that keeps on hyping. A live performance of five songs (multiple takes), just under 40 minutes in the brutal cold of a London January, that they thought would be a nice ending for the Get Back film project. Pulled off on a whim, until the police “bumbled in” and shut things down. Unquestionably a moment of rock history, but now the Complete Rooftop Concert is available as a digital download - thanks, we all have the bootleg and starting today you can see the concert on IMAX screens worldwide. More hype, more money, more, more, more. Didn’t you guys see this already in Part Three??? A restored Let It Be in IMAX theaters? Now that I’d be all over. Like it or not, we’ve already been subjected to the long and winding hype that ...