BOOM! LOVE! Count 2, 3, 4 . . .oh Hell, You're Gonna Do Whatever You Want Anyway.
Wring your hands, folks –
to the worries and problems that plague your life, that plague the world as you
see it. Then, as you bury your face
remember those immortal words of Rick, as he stood on that foggy tarmac –it
doesn’t take much to realize that the problems of two people don’t add up to a
hill of beans in this crazy world – because they really don’t. The world doesn’t
care, nor does the universe. In 2016,
astronomers received a radio signal from a star 500 billion light years away.
Other than saying to yourself – damn, that’s far away – think about this in
relation to time. 500 billion light
years means that this radio signal was sent about the time the earth was
forming. BOOM!
So, I
want you to look into the faces of those displaced by disaster – be it mother
nature or man’s inhumanity – and share their pain instead of turning away from
it, for you are only one or two steps away. Everything changes – and it changes
in a heartbeat. The common thing we all
share is unconditional love. It forms the basis for what we all want – the
happiness and safety of our loved ones. The common thing that makes us human. LOVE!
here are some undeniable truths. First, your government lies to you. They
always have and always will, it makes their job easier if they control the narrative.
In their eyes, you needs come second – so start putting your needs first.
Second, humans are a scared animal (noy sacred, as the first typo
suggested). We all need something to
believe in to get by, but it’s time to stop lying to yourselves about your
beliefs and take a realistic view of how they affect you and how the effect the
world. At best, keep them to yourself.
to embrace our differences. Learn from them, learn from each other – to each
his own.
great to be nostalgic but stop trying to go back. Learn from the past and move
forward. Always forward. Find something
that makes you happy – that doesn’t involve what your neighbor is doing – and as
Charles Bukowski said – “let it kill you.” The goal is to die with a smile on
your face, isn’t it? AND stop counting for “God’s” sake. Stop counting your
money. Stop counting your calories. Stop counting your number of “friends.”
Count memories and moments because as you’re dying – with that smile on your face
– that’s what you’ll be wanting more of.
This, of course, has all
been advice from someone who seldom takes advice from others. Everyone has an
opinion – which is simply that, an opinion – not the law of the land (a big
part of the problem) – so take this, or not, and do as you will. But it is food for thought, all I ask is that
we try a little bit better. We can be
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