TeaPublicans: The Other White Meat

No one else is going to say it, so I will - and I really cannot believe it - but ALL of this is still just about race.  The Tea Party Republicans are nothing but a bunch of scared old white plantation owners that choose now to hide behind lies and misinformation unstead of hoods and white sheets.  They are not all evil, greedy, sociopathis liars, for that gives them too much credit, they are simply racists who fear the success of a black man, but their followers are sad, gullible, easily manipulated intolerant bunch with no facts to stand on. And that makes for a dangerous combination.

 The night of Barack Obama's Inauguration twelve Teapublican lawmakers met in Private with Tea Party agitators (Newt Gingrich & Frank Luntz) to plan Obama's demise. GOP VP MF, Lyin' Paul Ryan (along with Eric Cantor (VA), Kevin McCarthy (CA), Pete Sessions (TX), Jeb Hervsarling (TX), Pete Hoekstra (MI),  Dan Lungren (CA), Jim DeMint (SC),
Jon Kyl (AZ), Tom Coburn (OK), John Ensign (NV) and Bob Corker (TN).) plotted to SUBVERT and DEMONIZE every issue the President stood for, all while blaming him for being ineffectual. Not only did these "men" block the progress of our President, they blocked the progress of our country - the antithesis of the job they were elected to do.  They blocked job bills and stimulus packages that would have rehired thousand of teachers, police and firemen across the country and bring unemployment well below 6%.  All to make one man look bad from day one. That goes far beyond politics.

To borrow a line - "we have been to the mountain top" and we are not climbing back down to 1955 where good old boys slap each other on the back after Sunday services, and women stay home to raise babies; where blacks, Mexicans, and homosexuals have to know their place, and where the BOMB is the best for World Peace.  Shame on you - all of you for calling yourselves Americans...for calling yourselves humans.   Stop with the lies and show your true colors, admit that you're racists, admit that you don't want women, homosexuals, or minorities to have rights in this country, be honest with yourselves and your country, who knows it might work you and your easily manipulated, simple-minded little followers.

And to those easily manipulated followers, I say this, as you repeat the lies from the Tea Party Playbook, and support them in the House and The Senate, as well as their attempt to take The White House, remember you are as guilty of the racist idology that spews from these neo-klan members masquerading as legislators. Take a breath and look at who is really to blame.

I for one, am willing to stand in your way, as you try to light a cross on The White House lawn, square off to your Armani fitted sheet and hood, spit in your eye and call you what you are, A RACIST!


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