Words Fail Me...

 . . .I'd hoped for better, while I prepared my mind to accept this coming injustice, I'm gut-punched. For, supposedly, brilliant legal minds to do this, well I'd hoped for better.

Even with this, words fail me, all that's left to do is Stand.



My outrage today transcends the page,

all available words

border on rage,

there is no ink dark enough

to contain this offense –

this hate, which arouses more hate

and anger in response.

Grab your torches and raise the village

Storm yon castle and drag out the offender,

this stain on humanity –

yet, that makes you no better than they

[or them, or that] whatever pronoun

you choose to describe – as long as it is not

the “Honorable.” [they] relinquished that word.

Remember that, through your tears,

your heartbreak, and despair

there are those around you who truly care.

Love conquers Hate.

Right conquers Wrong.

Even behind the darkest veil

Justice will always prevail.

Stand up. Stand strong.




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