
That is a word I’ve used a lot the past two years. It fit an array of emotions.  But, it is also a goal.

The writer C. K. Chesterton said, “There are two ways to get enough: One is to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less.”  I seek a happiness that holds few possessions. Less is enough.  I still struggle to embrace the knowledge that physical possessions are not permanent. . .and as another move looms on the horizon, I find myself again considering the impermanence of these things. Yet there are some things I desire - possessions that lend themselves to happiness (see photo) - hence the struggle.

Yesterday, I ventured out in the world. . .ew, the world, right?. . . armed with a few extra shekels in my pocket and the hope of treating myself to a little something, something.  Only to find my favorite vintage clothing shop is now boarded up. The local museum shop is charging local museum shop prices for an exhibit poster I thought I wanted. Even the two Taco places stumbled across were closed. At the end of the day, the bounty proved the ultimate example of impermanence - a coffee, dark chocolate, and a Sunday New York Times. Consumable possessions that will be gone in a day, but it was enough.


This morning,

The sun is bright through the window

Deceiving me, blinding me

As the wind thrashes about the smaller trees

Suggesting a chill that the sun

Does not allow.

And as is always the case

I sit here, coffee in hand

It is hot

And it is enough. 

SOON!!! Summer is coming!


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