Ron Paul is "Serious."

'Tis the season to be folly, the neuvo-post-yuletide creation that is the "Less-Than-Grand"-Old-Party's primary season; the time of (every fourth)year when the Republicans cart out their most offensive and least-likey Presidential wannbes and parade them passed us, in order to make their bland and viable choices look. . .well, Presidential.

One of these choices - balancing on the fence between both descriptions - really, really wants to be President, "way disporportionately" than the others. That man is Ron Raul, who has gone as far as suggesting that he would consider a third party run, if he doesn't win the GOP nomination. With that in mind, as boost to his last shot at the White House, The Hyena Kitchen is pleased to unveil, Ron Raul's Any Party Will Do Campaign. (Editorial note: The obvious Ru Paul reference was omitted, out of respect to the drag queen community ad Rick Santorum's campaign.)


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