Must be National Overdue Blog Post Day

    I wonder if there is an Office of Calendarial Overreach that oversees the assignment of “National Day of’s.”  It seems every day I open the ol’ laptop and there’s new one - National Cumquat Day. National Tattoo Removal Day. National Pet Pedicure Day. - something.  I seem to remember reading that in 1970 it took - literally - an act of Congress to ratify Earth Day, in a bi-partisan agreement I might add.  Now it seems these “Days” are handed out like New Orleans parade permits.  You pay your $20 and fill out the form and bingo - it’s National Bingo Day.  Now, I bring this up today because it is National Pi Day - not to be confused with National Pie Day (January 23rd) or, say National Apple Pie Day (May 13th) - but the celebration of that famed infinite number 3.14 and I suppose in recognition of today’s date. Coincidence perhaps? Until you take into account that today is also National Nap Day - conveniently falling on the day after we “spring forward” an hour - so close to National World Sleep Day (March 18th) it was almost missed.  Today is also Einstein’s birthday and the day Stephen Hawking died. Two of the most brilliant physicists of our time, linked forever to pi and naps, again I ask, coincidence? Nah - National Coincidence Day (or, Huntrodds’ Day) is September 19th in celebration of Francis and Mary Huntrodds, who were born, married, and died on the 19th of September, and since there is no Non-sequitur Day I think I’ll take a nap, because tomorrow is National Everything You Think Is Wrong Day! So, is everything I think wrong, or do I think everything is wrong? I think I’m gonna want another nap. . .or, is that wrong??? (Ask a Stupid Question fall on September 28th, in case you were wondering.) 


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